DEMOCRACY The Amazing Proportional Representation Simulator


In this model, Peterborough would remain a single-member riding.

Ontario provincial election - 2003

Peterborough - Actual results Ontario provincial election 2003
  Liberal Progressive Conservative NDP Green Family Other Total
Votes received 24,626 18,418 9,796 1,605 414 178 55,037
Seats won 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Seat % 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100%
Vote % 44.74% 33.46% 17.80% 2.92% 0.75% 0.32% 100%
Distortion +55.26 -33.46 -17.80 -2.92 -0.75 -0.32 55.26

In the 2003 Ontario provincial election, the riding elected a Liberal MPP.

Under the existing voting system, 44.74% of the voters got the representative they voted for.

The other 55.26% of the votes were wasted.

In our model, we assume that the Liberal would still have won the riding.

Under this model, 44.74% of the voters in Peterborough would still have gotten the local representative they voted for.

However, another 54.94% of the voters would know that their vote had helped to elect provincial list members, so they too would have representation.

Only 0.32% of the votes cast would not have helped to elect an MPP, and therefore would have been wasted.

Simulated compensatory list seats - Ontario provincial election 2003
Liberal Progressive Conservative NDP Green Family Total
6 8 2 4 1 21

Canadian federal election - 2000

Peterborough - Actual results Canadian federal election 2000
  Liberal Canadian Alliance Progressive Conservative NDP Green Other Total
Votes received 25,310 14,924 7,034 3,967 903 147 52,285
Seats won 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Seat % 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100%
Vote % 48.41% 28.54% 13.45% 7.59% 1.73% 0.28% 100%
Distortion +51.59 -28.54 -13.45 -7.59 -1.73 -0.28 51.59

In the 2000 Canadian federal election, the riding elected a Liberal MP.

Under the existing voting system, 48.41% of the voters got the representative they voted for.

The other 51.59% of the votes were wasted.

In our model, we assume that the Liberal would still have won the riding.

Under this model, 48.41% of the voters in Peterborough would still have gotten the local representative they voted for.

However, another 51.31% of the voters would know that their vote had helped to elect provincial list members, so they too would have representation.

Only 0.28% of the votes cast would not have helped to elect an MP, and therefore would have been wasted.

Simulated Ontario compensatory list seats - Canadian federal election 2000
Liberal Canadian Alliance Progressive Conservative NDP Green Total
0 9 6 5 1 21

DEMOCRACY The Amazing Proportional Representation Simulator